Vs Licenses

Salesforce has recently announced its new pricing list.
Click here for the notification.

The prices look so tempting, don't they? But wait... That licenses wont give you CRM, what they give u is a platform to build your own app (could be your own crm, but think about building it from the scratch, Brahma), though it is great for those who have CRM implemented with SFDC and have a need to provide some users access to only some apps. there are cases.

SFDC is only providing horizontals, like CC, Sales, Marketing. It is not providing an ERP solution, but giving u to build your logic.

Before going into an example, let us understand what do these different licenses mean ...

as given in "sf.pdf"
SalesforceDesigned for users who require full access to standard CRM and AppExchange apps. Users with this user license are entitled to access any standard or custom app.
Each license provides additional storage for Enterprise and Unlimited Edition users.
Salesforce Platform
This license is not available for new customers.
Designed for users who need access to custom apps but not to standard CRM functionality. Users with this user license are entitled to use custom apps developed in your organization or installed from AppExchange. In addition, they are entitled to use core platform functionality such as accounts, contacts, reports, dashboards, documents, and custom tabs. However, these users are not entitled to some user permissions and standard apps, including standard tabs and objects such as forecasts and opportunities. Users with this license can also useConnect Offline.
Users with this license can only view dashboards if the running user also has the same license.
Users with a Salesforce Platform user license can access all the custom apps in your organization.
Each license provides additional storage for Enterprise and Unlimited Edition users. - One App
This license is not available for new customers.
Designed for users who need access to one custom app but not to standard CRM functionality. - One Appusers are entitled to the same rights as Salesforce Platform users, plus they have access to an unlimited number of custom tabs. However, they are limited to the use of one custom app, which is defined as up to 10 custom objects, and they are limited to read-only access to the Accounts and Contacts objects.
Users with this license can only view dashboards if the running user also has the same license.
Each license provides an additional 1 MB of data storage and 1 MB of file storage, regardless of the SalesforceEdition. App SubscriptionGrants users access to a Light App or Enterprise App, neither of which include CRM functionality.
A Light App has up to 10 custom objects and 10 custom tabs, has read-only access to accounts and contacts, and supports object-level and field-level security. A Light App can’t use the Bulk API orStreaming API.
A Enterprise App has up to 10 custom objects and 10 custom tabs. In addition to the permissions of Light App, a Enterprise App supports record-level sharing, can use the Bulk API and Streaming API, and has read/write access to accounts and contacts.
Users with this license can only view dashboards if the running user also has the same license.
Each App Subscription license provides an additional 20 MB of data storage and 612 MB of file storage, regardless of the Salesforce edition.

Now lets understand that with an example:
There is a company YOURHOME INC., which sells home appliances. They are retialers. They need sales, marketing. They opted for SFDC enterprise edition with 100 users for sales and marketing people.
The cost with 20 percent discount is (125*100)20%*12 = $30000 p.a.

After some time sales people wanted to talk to inventory people about the stock for upcoming festive season.

YOURHOME has spread all over the country and it is using some other tool for inventory management. It resulted in integrating these systems or buying licenses to inventory guys too.

Integration solution: the maintenance cost of inventory application+ integration solution, roughly (15000+15000) $30000;
New licenses and app: lets just say there are 30 users from inventory. 125*30*20%*12 = 9000 for licenses and new app cost 10000; total = 19000; or $20000 approx.

Second seems better but they dont want whole CRM, they only want access to the new inventory app. So here is the new solution , buying App Subscription which is 5 times cheaper.

all these figures are made up for the convenience of understanding.

What does this give: It gives access to only one app and there are lite and enterprise licenses, lite gives read-only access on accounts and contacts, no bulk api, no streaming api and no sharing rules. enterprise gives everything like standard saleforce EE, but no CRM. One more important thing to notice is it allows only 10 objects per app, if u exceed and SFDC notices it in its audit, you will be asked to pay more. That's cloud for you.

But there is SF2SF integration is there between these two orgs. we can share data as we wish.

also see this case study.



  1. My confusion here is that how is the 10 objects per app limit enforced upon the users. In my entire salesforce experience I have never seen a way by which there is a set relation between apps and objects. I can have the same object listed under 10 different apps.

    Secondly how would salesforce figure out the number of objects I am using under an app. I can create a button wihtin an object under App-A, to create a new record or modify a record for an object listed under App-B.

    Moreover, this 10 Objects/App/User is again confusing. What is I have in a given project 20 CRM licenses and 80 enterprise licenses. So does this mean my 80 users would only have access to 1 app and just 10 custom objects.

    Please respond if you have the answers.

  2. @__yash__,

    Its correct when u say that we can not look at app and object relation. but, when we have licenses, we can have exclusive, new and add-on to CRM packages.
    if u look at App Subscription and - One App it might give u some idea, may be. Again, we have system overview to monitor how many objects are consumed.

    one more point I would like to bring it ur notice is that 10 objects are not for user but for app. like u mentioned in ur example, if u have 20 crm licenses and 80 licenses; the user wont be able to access more than 10 objects frm his profile. Can u see the loophole in the system there? we can control the number objects displayed for user with the help of tabs. object are not directly related to app, we can have object-tab-app structure.

  3. I see that I have access to sales & service cloud objects when I signup for trial.

    Will I still have access to them once I sign-up for lite or enterprise
    At present I do not have sales or service cloud accounts.

  4. I have designed this questionnaire in a view to help you better understand and define your high level requirements for CRM implementation.Salesforce CRM Customization


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