Set up Salesforce IQ for GMAIL (chrome extension)
In Dreamforce'15 there were so many interesting things. I was just going over the highlights of the the mega event found here and super-parker's talk with Marc, here . I am going to show you how to set up the IQ add-on that they announced. It helps sync up your mails with CRM. But doing it with chrome has a benefit. Please find the extension here and click on "ADD TO CHROME": After adding it to chrome, open your Gmail, you will find something like this: Click on "Connect with Salesforce" and log on to your salesforce org. Thats all, your gmail is not connected with salesforce. See how we can create opportunities along with new contacts under old/ new account. Once you are logged in, you will something like this: Switch the tabs to the icon, click on Create button and select opportunity, you will now see: This lets you ...