
Showing posts from January, 2013


This post talks about how to create M:M relationship in Salesforce. Salesforce platform has a funny way of maintaining M:M relationship. In general, for many-to-many related objects, everybody would think, when we pick/ map data from one object, the system would create an association and maintain the relationship. But in case of standard page layouts, we will have to create the association link manually. We're gonna see how. Requirement: Cases may have multiple Bugs; Bugs may have multiple Cases. Solution: Create a junction Object. Cool thing to say, heh. But u wont find a junction object anywhere in your set up. Then how would you create it? Please do the steps from the following link, directly from salesforce. The real thing behind the scenes is that, we are manually creating the record that holds the relationship. Let me put it this way for you. In general, the m:m relationship is dealt in the...

When Field Dependency In Visualforce Doesn’t Work!!!

Recently we have come across a strange issue. Requirement : Add two pick list fields, one is controlling field, another is dependent field. Solution: Simple, add two fields within <apex:inputfield> tag, we are done for. No, that doesn't work on a page with 2000 lines of code in between <apex:page> tags and lots of javascript. But, that works on simple page with the following structure. <apex:page id="page" >   <apex:form id="form01">           <apex:pageBlock id="block01" >                           <apex:pageMessages /> <apex:pageBlockSection id="sec01">                         <apex:inputField ……. />  // controlling field ...


This post talks about how to override the standard buttons with pure controller or wizard pages, its a trick that I recently found. The requirement: When we hit the new button from Accounts/ Contacts/ Opportunities it should call same wizard.  Solution One: The Normal way is to create three wizards for overriding respective buttons, like, create a the wizard from the following link  " "  with small modifications, saying -- standardController="Account" extensions="newOpportunityController"  instead of custom controller. and the we would continue to create two more pages to override contacts and opportunities. the solutions looks good but we can save those two pages with this little tweak.  Solution Two: Step 1: Continue creating visualforce page 1 with standad controller and an extension, then go to accounts buttons and links and override the new button with the p...

CRM on Cloud

This post talks about Cloud computing in view of CRM implementation. CRM plays a prominent role in all the organizations. There’s no company in the world which doesn’t care about its customers, every organization needs a 360 degree view of their accounts/customers and the account’s activities. CRM does not just manage data or it is not just a Content Management System.  CRM is more about implementing the company’s process over its customer’s data. You can define it in your own terms, but that is what I understood. There are a lot of CRM suites available in the market for CRM implementation. Some of the successful applications before cloud invasion were Oracle Siebel CRM, Sugar, MS Dynamics, SAP CRM, Clarify etc., and Siebel is known for its Database independency and SaaS features.  Even with all these robust applications in market, why did people feel needed? Why did they look out for something new? It’s because implementing CRM in one company is costly, it is so costly ...